I'm praying for a miracle.
And I believe that I will see that miracle take place.
I believe in miracles.
The Bible is full of miracles performed by Jesus. Jesus was a man--a human just like us while he was on this earth. But he performed miracles. And when he left this earth to go to heaven, he told his disciples that they would do the same things he had done, and greater. I believe that is still true today--so why are we not seeing miracles take place?
In the Bible in Luke, Chapter 9, when the man with the epileptic son came to the disciples and asked them to cast an evil spirit out of his son, they could not do it. Jesus came down from the mountain and the man said to him, "If you can do anything, please help us." Jesus said, "If you can? All things are possible to him who believes." The man said, "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief." The man was honestly confessing that he was having trouble fully believing. I, too, believe but have to admit that I need help overcoming my doubts. It is encouraging to read that, even though the man had some doubts to overcome, he still received a miracle because of his faith.
In Matthew, Chapter 17, the disciples later asked Jesus why they could not cast the demon out. Jesus said, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, move from here and it will be moved. Nothing will be impossible for you." Back in Luke he continues by saying, "This kind comes out only by prayer and fasting."
Oh, to have faith that would move mountains. How can a person get faith like that? Is it even possible? Lord, I believe, but please help me overcome my doubts.
Why couldn't the disciples cast out the demon? They had been casting demons out, healing the sick and seeing mighty miracles. Why suddenly could they not do what they had already been doing. What happened to their faith?
Later Jesus asked the disciples, "What were you arguing about on the road?" They had been arguing about who would be greatest in the kingdom. Sounds like they had gotten away from being spiritual and had become pretty carnal. Maybe that's what affected their faith. When we get into the flesh, surely we cannot also be in the spirit. One is going to win out over the other--the one that we dwell on the most. So how do we overcome that fallacy of ours to get too carnal?
I confess -- I'm certainly guilty of carnality. I get caught up in busy-ness and my mind is always on the next thing to do. So many times, I neglect to spend time in Bible-study and prayer. Before long, I am more carnal-minded than spiritual-minded. God might speak to me if he could get my attention.
When Jesus said, "This kind comes out by prayer and fasting," maybe he was talking about that carnality. I don't believe he was talking about casting the demon out, because he did not say, "Let's fast for 3 days, then see if we can cast him out" or "Let's all pray" then we'll cast him out. He didn't fast and he didn't pray, he cast him out.
Fasting certainly will help to humble the flesh. When the flesh gets too big for its britches, just deny it for awhile and you will see it line up. Fasting doesn't make God do anything, but what it does do is get us to a place where we can be more spiritual-minded. That, along with praying, will help us get rid of our unbelief and have faith.
Have faith for what? Can we have faith for just anything that we desire? We can't desire something enough to make it happen.
I believe the answer to that question lies in the story of the first miracle Jesus did. When he was at the marriage feast with his mother and she asked him to turn the water into wine, she told the servants, "Whatever he tells you to do, do it." He told them to go fill the water pots and when they did the water turned into wine. There is our answer - whatever he tells us to do, do it. And we can have our miracle. Jesus himself said he only did what his father told him to do.
I have concluded that there are three steps to receiving a miracle.
1. Fast and pray until you hear from God concerning your request.
2. Whatever he tells you to do, do it. Be obedient.
3. Watch what God does. This step is not ours to take - it is his.
Faith begins where the will of God is known, as I have heard one of our Bible teachers say. Once we are convinced that what we are asking is in God's will, then we can have faith in him and his word to bring it to pass.
I believe I will see my miracle come to pass. Sooner or later, I'm going to hear from God and I'm going to be obedient to what he tells me to do, and he is going to work a miracle. Just wait and see.
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